Thursday 17 September 2009

The GU2 Unit

Having negotiated myself past the induction and first week of college I am now in a good position to push forward in the areas I most wish to do so. Names and room numbers are easier this week giving me more room to get on with the curriculum.
Having being blessed with a great research topic for the course I feel that I must put extra effort into the non-Beatles related work.
Is the term "Beatles" an anagram for "Les Beat"?
However all this aside the monolith that is the graded unit must be conquered. For this I have decided to push in the direction of a West End Singer and develop my talents and research towards applying for this position as I feel it gives me more of a challenge to perform in a different atmosphere of professional singing.
My personal library and the wonderful wonderful inter web shall once again bow down to my needs as I go in search of the "Holy A".
That's all folks!
Ciao per now.

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